Resource Library

Welcome to Mentor-Connect’s Resource Library. The purpose of this library is to provide a comprehensive, interactive collection of resources that can be utilized by STEM faculty, administrators, grant writers, mentors, mentees, etc. to further serve the goal of Mentor-Connect to advance technician education and leadership development by supporting potential, current, and former grantees of the NSF ATE program.

The library contains print resources, webinars, and links to other helpful sites. Users will find the most current grant proposal guides and updates from the NSF, webinars conducted by Mentor-Connect for all aspects of grant writing, sample documents provided by former and current grantees, and a large supply of informational articles.

These resources are provided free of charge for non-commercial purposes only. Each resource contains a record with its sharing permissions. The resources that are in the public domain may be used without restriction. The resources marked “Attribution—Non-commercial—Share Alike” may be used non-commercially as they are or changed by the user, as long as the user credits the author and licenses new creations under the identical terms. Resources marked “Unknown” were provided to Mentor-Connect without an existing fair use statement. Please contact these providers whenever possible to determine permissions.

New Resources
This coffee break will provide information about how ATE Projects can create a basic website with help from ATE Central.
This instruction sheet provides information on how to create an account in SciENcv.  You will use SciENcv to crate your Biosketch and Current and Pending Support forms.
This webinar covers all aspects of the budget and budget justification for NSF ATE proposals. Topics include: how to prepare a budget for your NSF ATE grant, what to include in your budget category, how to align the budget and project description, how to prepare a budget justification, and how to...
This quick reference guide will guide you through the process of preparing annual and outcome reports for your National Science Foundation’s Advanced Technological Education Program project. It is based on a Mentor-Connect webinar, conducted in April 2024 and available as a recording in the...
This webinar covers all the Forms that make up an NSF ATE final proposal submission. Topics included: (1) the purpose of various forms associated with NSF ATE proposals; (2) what data to enter into each form. The forms included are: cover sheet, project summary, project description, references...